Susanne Hardt

Since 2013 I have been teaching yoga with joy, creativity and curiosity to a wide variety of target groups. I have about 800 hours of teacher training and more than 2000 hours of teaching experience (Yoga Alliance, E-RYT 500). Mostly, my Svastha Yoga Therapy training with Dr. Günter Niessen and Ganesh Mohan inspired and influenced my teaching a lot. Since the yoga journey never ends, I am now studying online with A.G. Mohan and Indra Mohan
I teach individual lessons, lead yoga classes in yoga studios for a healthy back, have classes for seniors (gentle yoga) as well as YinYang yoga. Another focus of my work is to bring yoga to the workplace. I have a degree in chemistry and environmental protection and worked for more than 20 years in German and foreign environmental authorities as well as in the private sector. I therefore know from my own experience the physical and mental benefits of a yoga practice at work. You can read more on my business yoga page
Teacher Trainings:
- 2012-2019: 500-hours training at Nordic Yoga Institute in Stockholm (as I, from 2004-2014, lived in Norway), with an emphasis on teaching yoga to seniors and people with physical constraints. Yoga Alliance, E-RYT 500.
- 2015: 50-hours Yin Yoga teacher training with Murielle and Sebastian Pucelle
- 2018: 4-days introduction workshop „Traumasensitive Yoga“ with David Emerson from the Trauma Center in Brookline (USA)
- 2018-2021: Svastha Yoga Therapy teacher training with Dr. Günter Niessen and Dr. Ganesh Mohan
- Since 2021: Online studying with Indra and A.G. Mohan

- Born 1964 in Bavaria, Germany
- 1991-1996: Technical college of higher education, Berlin (Dipl.-Ing. Analytical Chemistry)
- 1997-1999: Technical college of higher education, Hamburg, Wedel (Dipl.-Ing. Environmental Protection)
- 1996-2001: Graduate engineer for chemistry and environmental protection in several analytical laboratories in Berlin and Lübeck
- 2001-2005: Technical employee at the Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt) in Berlin
- 2005-2014: Senior Advisor at Norwegian Environment Agency in Oslo, Norway
- 2014-2019: Senior Advisor at an international consulting company in Berlin

I don't teach a specific style of yoga, but take the best of all my training with me into my classes